300 juegos libres del iPhone Incluyendo Grados

iPhone Thumbs UpiPhone Thumbs Down300 juegos libres del iPhone
Incluyendo Grados

iPhone Card Games iPhone Classic Games iPhone Arcade Games iPhone Word Games

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Juegos De Tarjeta
iPhone Thumbs Up el póker de 5 tarjetas esta versión permite que usted apueste su mano después de que usted dibuje.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Mejor Blackjack (iPhonePlaza) Es un poco lento
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Mejor Blackjack (SO) La misma que la anterior, todavía lento.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Blackjack (CF) Haga clic en juegos de Casino. No es una buena aplicación para iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Blackjack (CM) Niza animación, pero no puede cambiar su oferta.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Blackjack (DS Effects) Otro clásico juego de Blackjack
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Blackjack (Google) Requiere la descarga a su iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Blackjack (iB) Gran interfaz, muy rápido.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Blackjack (MyNuMo) un muy buen juego de casino estilo Blackjack
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Blackjack Solitaire Crear la mejor BJ mano en cada fila, columna, diagonal
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Deuces Wild Poker Bien mesa para ayudarle a apostar.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Euchre Juega a este clásico juego de cartas y tratar de ganar en contra de su teléfono inteligente
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Fanclub Blackjack un muy buen juego en el paisaje. Un poco más lento.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Flashjack Mejorar youre Blackjack habilidades con este instrumento de formación
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Adivina mi tarjeta mucho menos jugando
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Corazones Al igual que el clásico juego. It's fun. Es divertido.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Alto o Baja Predecir si la próxima carta será más alta o más baja
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Jacks or Mejor Poker (Elenor) Otro buen juego de póquer.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Jacks or Mejor Poker Mantiene el gráfico a mano para ayudarle a apostar y ganar
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Kenny Rogers Blackjack Una alta calidad de la verision juego clásico
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Kenny Rogers Roulette Ahora puedes jugar a tu juego favorito Casino
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Oblique Para los fanáticos de la música. Requires a Google download Google requiere una descarga
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Uno Thumb Bandit Juego de Tragamonedas, menos toda la diversión de la cosa real
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Scenario Poker Texas Hold 'Em Poker contra otros 8 o 10 jugadores!
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Scratch-N-Win Scratch el billete y golpear el bote. Login Required. Usuario requerida.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Solitaire (CM) Buen juego de solitario, pero aburrida interfaz. ZZZZzzzzz......
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Solitaire (Digiwidge) Muy bonito Soliaire juego.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Solitaire (MM) Está bien, pero lo anterior es mejor
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Utopía Solitaire Juega el clásico juego de Klondike Solitaire
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Video Poker (CF) Jacks o Mejor juego, no lo mejor para los usuarios de iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Video Poker (MM) Apenas otro juego de póquer.

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Juegos De Arcada
iPhone Thumbs Up la derrota extranjera del iPhone elimina a extranjeros antes de que asuman el control su nave
  iPhone Baloncesto (P. Jonas) Practique su jugar un juego de 20 tiros
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Baloncesto (MyNumo) Practique su tiros de 3 puntos. 90 seconds left! 90 segundos!
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Carmadillo Diversión Frogger estilo de juego. Help the armadillo cross the road. Ayuda el armadillo cruzar la calle.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Castillo Feud Construye tu castillo, cañones y objetivo aplastar rivales de estilo medieval.
  iPhone ide pollo y huevos de los huevos de capturas antes de la pausa para ir al siguiente nivel
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Dardos Un desafiante juego de dardos.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Dragon Fury Diversión juego de la acción. Kill the monster! Matar al monstruo!
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Duck Hunt lanza a los patos!
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Duck lanza a los patos para que su perro puede llevarlo a usted.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Frog Rescue uso de habilidades para trasladar a las ranas para el lado opuesto de la carretera
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone ION Bowling Diversión juego de habilidad a una Turquía tazón!
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone ION Golf Un buen día en el campo de prácticas
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Jake The Snake Retro Al igual que el juego, salvo el control exacto es difícil
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Knockout Boxeo juego, pero el sitio no responde
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Mad Fighters Diversión juego de la acción. Kick Jump, Duck! Jump Kick, Pato!
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Missle Command (MM) Podría ser divertido si las ciudades no desaparecieron sin motivo
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Monsterland Lucha libre a todos los monstruos y vivir otro día
  iPhone Roll Quest Una piscina-como juego donde rodar el balón más de cristales
  iPhone Shooter Pirate Derriba todo lo que ves.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Smash igual Breakout. Difícil de controlar, aunque el icono
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Space Wars Juega contra otros. Login Required Usuario Requerido
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Stomp'em Stomp las flores en el orden correcto
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Subsume Juega contra otros usuarios de iPhone, si usted puede conseguir que funcione
iPhone Thumbs Down SuperDog Vea si usted puede navegar pasado los obstáculos
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Wormy de Control como el gusano que se transmite a través del túnel
iPhone Thumbs Down Yeti3D juego de aventuras en 3D que requiere la adición de sitio para la instalación de fuentes iPhone

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Juegos Clásicos
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone 4 In-A-Row Just like Connect 4. Would be fun on a different site
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone A Man Plus A Woman Clear adjacent male & female symbols
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Ane Rouge Weird game
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Backgammon Like Backgammon, but the moves are screwed up.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Battlefleet This is clearly the best iPhone Battleship game
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Battleship (CF) Too many ships. Not nearly as good as the other one.
iPhone Thumbs Down
iPhone Battleship (Jirbo) Like batleship, but too many ships buttons are too small.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Bejeweled Just like the classic game, and just as addictive
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Brick Supposed to be like Tetris but this is a pitiful attempt
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Bubble Trouble Remove common bubbles of 3 or more
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Checkers (CF) Can play against others, but good for the iPhone
  iPhone Checkers (Freemirror) Another version of the classic game
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Checkerz (Digiwidge) The iPhone puts up a good fight
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Chess (CF) Play against others or against your iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Chess (Morfik) Nice interface & board options
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Coloku Sudoku with a colorful twist. Option to hide the numbers
  iPhone Dominoes A fun classic game against 3 players
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Fifteen Sliding game, that doesn't scramble the tiles.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Flip & Boom Find the matching animated icons
  iPhone iGammon Classic game of Backgammon
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone iGet 4 Like the classic game of Connect 4, not challenging though
  iPhone iKala Classic game of Macala on your iPhone
  iPhone iMahjong The classic game of Mahjong right on your iPhone
  iPhone iSlide Sliding tile game with options to change the size or pic category
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone iTetris (iTetris) Just like the game above, just a different link
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone iTetris (Jirbo) Just like Tetris, but hard to control after level 5
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Jirbo Jam A cute version of Breakout
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Let It Roll Like Yahtzee. Log In Required.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Lumina Memory Fun pattern matching game. Just like Simon.
  iPhone Mancala Play Mancala against your iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone MarbleJumper Remove marbles by jumping adjacent ones.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Minesweeker (MM) Like Minesweeper, but can't select the mines
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Minesweeper This is the closest to the classic game you will find
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone MobiChess Play Chess at different levels of difficulty
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Mobile Mines (CF) Like Minesweeper, but bad interface
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone MoThello (CF) Just like Othello, not nice on this site though.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Multiple Arcade Games Like PacMan, Q*bert, Galaga, Gyruss
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone News Match Match the news to its image to read more about it
  iPhone Othello
  iPhone Pouissance 4 Play the game of Pouissance on your phone
  iPhone Preggy Play the classic Preggy game on your iPhone
  iPhone Reversi
  iPhone Reversi (MM)
  iPhone Shredder Chess
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Simon Just like the memory game. Login Required.
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Slider (CF) Sliding Puzzle. Few of Celufun's game are good
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sliding Puzzle (MM) Lot's of different puzzles to try
  iPhone Space Invaders Like the classic game, shoot down all the UFO's!
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Sudoku (Enjoy) Nice use of pencil marks, but you can't fix mistakes
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sudoku (Freeverse) Very nice Sudoku game with witty messages
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sudoku (iPhonus) One of the best Sudoku games for the iPhone
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Sudoku (Lunarware) This version sucks. you don't need to guess.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sudoku (Macmost) Nice interface and challenging games
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sudoku (Radworkz) Very nice variations of this classic game
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Sudoku Shootout Play against other players. Login not required
  iPhone Sudoku Tournament Now you can compete against others!
  iPhone Teddy Bear Find the matching teddy bears
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Tetris (Freemirror) Tetris game with good controls & high scores
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Tetrominos Like Tetris, but horrible controls. I'd play iTetris instead.
  iPhone Tic Tac Toe 1 or 2 player
  iPhone Tic-Tac-Toe (CF)
  iPhone Tic-Tac-Toe Just like the classic game.
  iPhone Tic-Tac-Whoa (CM)
  iPhone Unreal Slide Challenging sliding game using abstract art
  iPhone Word Search (MM)

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Juegos De la Lógica
  iPhone 15 Flags Matching game where you match the flags with its country
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone 3D Shuffle A challenging 3D number game, or is it impossible?
  iPhone Aha!
  iPhone All Lights
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Avalanche Never-ending game of clearing adjacent blocks of 3 or more.
iPhone Baffle Challenging game of creating unique columns & rows
  iPhone Boxes (CF)
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Boxes Create a single box. Fun against a person. Their computer is stupid
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Breakdown A cool 3D Breakout game.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Brick Shooter Challenging & lots of fun! Warning, very addictive as well.
  iPhone Bulls and Cows Like Mastermind
  iPhone Calc 10 Use 4 numbers to make them add up to 10

iPhone Thumbs Up

iPhone Car Thief Rearrange the cars so that you can escape
  iPhone Chain Reaction Collect more pieces than the computer. Login Required
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Collapsing Blocks Eliminate matching Blocks
  iPhone Color Rush
  iPhone Connextion Connect all the pipes together in the puzzle
  iPhone Dark Lights - Airport Mode Play the lights game w/o an internet connection
  iPhone Deduction Guess the pattern before the time expires
  iPhone Demolition Like Blocks
  iPhone Dot Game Alternate turns connecting dots to make boxes
  iPhone Falling Pets Connect 3 matching pets to remove them from the screen
  iPhone Gem Twister A Rubik's Cube style game with variations.
  iPhone Gems Like Bejeweled
  iPhone Helmet Attack Remove the field of all the helmets, for you football fans
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Hungry Snake Navigate your snake towards the food, away from your tail
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone iTiles Memory Game using smiley faces or Chinese characters
  iPhone iValentine Matching game with Valentine's day objects
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Gobico Challenging game of trying to control the board with each move
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Jigsaw Puzzle (MM)
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone JirboMatch Cute matching game with timer
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Knights & Squires Find the right path to the riches.
  iPhone Lights Off Turn off all the lights to win. Simple, but challenging.
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Logic3 Make all the numbers turn to zero. A challenging game with the solution
  iPhone Marble Jumper Remove Marbles
  iPhone Mastermind (iSmileys) Guess the code
  iPhone Mastermind (myiphone) Guess the code using 8 colors
  iPhone Mastermind (myiphoneworld) Guess the code
  iPhone Mastermind (twopixels)
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Match 3 (MM)
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Maze (MM)
  iPhone Memory
  iPhone Memory Pets Matching game with animated pets
  iPhone MetaSquares Addictive game of building squares before your phone does
  iPhone Mobile Life The "Game of Life" version for your phone
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Mosaic Try to clear the board. Login Required
  iPhone Number Maze A fun number game. Addictive
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Patterny Test Find the shape that completes the pattern. Under Mind Games
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Pigs A Poppin Fun game of making the Pigs Pop!
  iPhone Pipes Use pieces to create longer pipes with each level. Fun!
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Puzzler Eliminate matching Blocks
  iPhone Qix Cover the field
  iPhone Rapid Access Memory Tap the boxes from lowest to highest from memory
  iPhone Same Hearts Elimate 3 matching hearts
  iPhone Same Pets Find the matching pets & win
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone SameGame Touch the panels that are lined up with 2 or more
  iPhone Save The Mac Don't let Windows Vista take over!
  iPhone Smiley Hunt Find the matching smileys as fast as you can
  iPhone Snack Attack Clear all of the bouncing snacks off the screen
  iPhone Snack Machine Find the matching snacks
  iPhone Sokoban
  iPhone Sokoban (Fourohfour)
  Stack The Log
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Supercars Memory game of matching cars with their brand names
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Think Ahead (MM)
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Tiger Tile Reconstruct the picture of a tiger using tiles. Same tiger every time
  iPhone Tile Another tile game. Recreate the picture
  iPhone Tile Game
  iPhone Waterfalls A sliding tile game with pictures of waterfalls
  iPhone When Smileys Attack Remove the smileys from the screen
  iPhone When the Office Attacks Remove the office items from the screen
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Xmas Manga A titilating game to improve your memory

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Juegos De Palabra
  iPhone Elevator Words (KP)
  iPhone Five-to-None (KP)
  iPhone Frozen Lexicon Spell as many words as you can
  iPhone Hangman Guess the word, just like the classic game
  iPhone Holes in Words (KP)
  iPhone International Stitch:Words (KP)
  iPhone MotissimoT Find a 6 letter french word
  iPhone Quad Snake (KP)
  iPhone Quad Word Connect 4 words together
  iPhone Quad Words (KP)
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Scrabble Supposed to be like Scrabble
  iPhone Soliatire Word Builder (KP)
  iPhone Stitch:Words (KP)
  iPhone SummationTest your math skills
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Word Breaker Guess the computer's secret word before it guesses yours. Fun!
  iPhone Word Builder (KP)
  iPhone Word Finder (KP)
  iPhone Word Ladder (KP)
  iPhone Word Rotation Rotate letters to create more words
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Word Spell
  iPhone Word War

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Más Juegos
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Assassin Prove you're a geek by harrassing strangers
  iPhone Attack of the Teddy Bears Poke the bears to eliminate them
  iPhone Ball Blast Tap as many balls as you can before the timer elapses
  iPhone Bandito Loves Kitty
  Caldoria ß Trade goods on different planets to earn credits to upgrade your ship
  iPhone Call of the Pharaoh Build a pyramid
  iPhone Captives of Witch Hill Adventure game
  iPhone Chess Clock Timer for chess matches
  iPhone Corridor
  iPhone Demolition
  iPhone Drop the Teddy Bears Click the adjacent bears to eliminate them
  Find the Flickr Match the photo with the tag. Pics come from the Flickr site
  iPhone Haiku Read or create Haiku
  iPhone Hand to Hand Combat Game of chance
  iPhone Heart Attack Poke out the candy hearts to win
iPhone Thumbs Up iPhone Horse Racing A safer way to bet your mortgage on your horse.
  iPhone iTouch Target Practice
  iPhone iWally Dilbert Character quizzes your lateral thinking skills
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone iWhack Just like the game you played at the fair to win a stuffed bear!
  iPhone MindDojo A mind sharpening game that will stimulate your brain
  iPhone Moble Pet myPhone Virtual myPhone
  iPhone Moble Ring
  iPhone Pairs Play a game of Pairs using photos from Flickr
  iPhone Pet Monkey Virtual Pet
  iPhone Poke Your iOut Poke the bouncing eyes
  iPhone Pool Make a splash
  iPhone Quiz Get Quizzed
  iPhone Quiz To Go See how well you know the price of different items
  iPhone Quizzler Pro Get quizzed, or create one
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Reflex Tester A silly game to check your reflexes
  iPhone Roll Dice for Dungeons & Dragons
  iPhone Scratch-N-Win Lottery Scratch off. Poor iPhone interface
  iPhone Seinfield Quiz How big of a Seinfield fan are you?
  iPhone Swatches Multi-player game to see who can control the largest blocks of color.
  iPhone ThumbTrek (CM)

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Diversión al azar del iPhone
  iPhone 101 Cookbook Find your favorite recipes here
  iPhone Accuweather Get an accurate weather forecast
  iPhone Coin Flip Heads or Tails? Login Required.
  iPhone Finger Scan Fingerprint Scanner. Login Required
  iPhone Fortune Cookie Open the cookie to get your fortune.
  iPhone Fortune Random funny fortunes, or create your own
  iPhone Golf Scorecard Track your golf score
  iPhone Lites Create patterns with lights. Login Required
  iPhone Magic iEightball Shake the 8-ball (iPhone) to get an answer to your question
  iPhone Mock Dock Create a cool desktop look and interface for your iPhone
  iPhone MovieFone Find out when the movie starts by entering your zip code.
  iPhone People Q&A
iPhone Thumbs Down iPhone Pick-Up Lines Find out the quickest way to get rejected! Funny though.
  iPhone Random Ramblings
  iPhone Roshambo Rock, Paper Scissors game on your iPhone
  iPhone Scavenger Hunt Find stuff in your community. Login Required
  iPhone Spades Scorecard Keep score of your Spades game. Login Required
  iPhone StarMash Get the latest celebrity gossip right on your phone!
  iPhone XBox Live Friends App Now you can keep up with other XBOX 360 gamers
  iPhone Yelp Grub Finder Find nearby eating spots

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¡materia del iPhone para la venta!